Officine tarantine “South Italy: street not art”_2014


Un altro posto occupato, un’ altra esperienza al fianco degli artisti di Street Art South Italy e dei ragazzi delle “Officine Tarantine”

Another free area, another experience with Street art South Italy artists and guys of “Officine Tarantine”

02 03 04



Dal bozzetto al muro…

from sketch to the wall…

06 07 08

Stencil Noire, un king dell’area sud della street art all’opera a Taranto.

Stencil Noire, a king from da south area of the street art at work in Taranto

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Last memories of the 2013_Ultimi ricordi del 2013


Artèria_pieghevole 2013.cdr

Tutti i pezzi presentati per la collettiva “Arteria”, 15-17 novembre 2013, tenutasi nella chiesa sconsacrata di S. Giuseppe a Conversano (Bari)

All pieces was in exibithion for “Arteria” collective 15-17 November at “S. Giuseppe” deconsacrated church in Conversano (BA)

01-yellow cake_2011

Yellow cake_2011: street-photo performance inna dangerous and nuclear red zone. In the area, near a river that often overflows, tons of radioactive waste are keeping without safety by italian government.


“Back to the past”_2011: street-photo performance in the toxic, radioactive and illegal mob’s dump in Sicily.

Cheap_bologna (2)

“8pork billboard”_ 2013: illustration for poster-(not)art intervention

2013-favara cristh time Ifuck (59)

Jesus walks alone_ 2013: street-photo performance

Nei secoli fedeli

“Nei secoli fedeli”_ 2010: illustration

no one is innocent

“No one is innocent”_ 2009: dott. Porka’s P-proj, a visual allegory about these years

2011-notavtela sketch

“Voi negli atelier noi in valle”2011_sketch for a canavas supportin’ “No Tav” movement.

 I dott. Porka’s al “NOFEST”, giuria del contest di fumettisti indipendenti di “ERIS EDIZIONI”

Dott.Porka’s at NOFEST, they’re  jury with other prof cartoonist for the ERIS EDIT comics contest


dadaisten skateboard porka

Customized skateboard for dadaisten

Comicbattle2013_7 Comicbattle2013_9 Comicbattle2013_14 Comicbattle2013_15 Comicbattle2013_22

during the contest



Jury, crew and cartoonists

Illustrazioni, sticker e tela…

illustration, sticker and canvas…

complete insiemelofi tela rewriting 2012_2lofi tela-rewriting-2012 VPORKA STICKER


10x15opaca1copia (39)

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Csoa Gabrio: a local antifa area_2013

wAll gabrio2 copiaIl Centro sociale Gabrio di Torino. 20 anni di autogestione e autorganizzazione come pratica di vita e risposta concrete ai bisogni. Sportelli legali per la tutela di uomini e donne dimenticati quando non direttamente schiacciati dai privilegiati dello Stato: sportello legale contro gli abusi di potere, per il diritto alla casa, per il lavoro,  palestra popolare,  la microclinica, l’orto collettivo, la ciclofficina. Murales dedicato alla nuova sede del Gabrio, i dott.Porka’s e gli amici di Street art South Italy…

CSOA Gabrio, Turin. 20 years of diy, self-coordination for survival inna cannibalistic and capitalistic state. In 20 years Gabrio people have get ready for help desks against every kind of abuse, for defend men and women against State abuses, cops abuses, masters of the houses abuses. Here you can find help inna  Gabrio little clinic, you can work out to the antifa gym, you can learn to farm inna vegetable garden, you can assemble or fix your bike inna bike workshop. Mural dedicated to Gabrio family by dott.Porka’s and some friends of Street art south Italy… 

00Au osce…


Frank Lucignolo…



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